Man Sues God

As if things weren’t bad enough with Sa Tan suing The Queen. There is a man in Nebraska that is suing God as well.

And He’s a Politician

To make this even better the plaintiff in the case is a Senator from Nebraska, Ernie Chambers, an agnostic black civil-rights advocate known for fiery rhetoric.

The case, which can be viewed in its entirety here, seeks an injunction against God and his followers to stop “making terrorist threats.”

The case also claims that the defendant is responsible for numerous calamities and disasters.

Chambers filed the suit in Nebraska, claiming that the defendant was omniscient and omnipresent, and therefore could be served anywhere.

In side statements, Chambers claims to be protesting the rise of frivolous law suits in the U.S. Chambers suit was also filed as frivolous, so Chambers sued the judge as well.

God responds (twice)

A response to Chamber’s claim, filed by God, miraculously appeared on the counter of Douglas County District Court in Omaha.

It claims immunity from earthly laws, and questions jurisdiction, and the archangel St. Michael is listed as a witness.

“I created man and woman with free will and next to the promise of immortal life, free will is my greatest gift to you,” stated the response.

A second response, filed from a law office in Corpus Christi, Texas, was filed soon after by Erik Perkins.

Perkins, a Christian attorney from Texas, stated that God,

contends that any harm or injury suffered is a direct and proximate result of mankind ignoring obvious warnings.

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Law is Cool
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